Could this really be a picture of Joseph Smith Jr. in his early to mid 30's? I found it interesting that when I was initially examining it Kaylee ran into the room and looked at the screen and said hey that's Joseph Smith. Man, kids make you wonder sometimes. Crazy! I asked her how she knew it was him and and she said hmmm... I just know, that's Joseph Smith. Whether or not it is him I don't know, but if you follow the link to a video about it, you'll find it quite fascinating. I must admit there's a possibility anyway that it could really be him, but I feel something very unsettling about it at the same time, something just doesn't feel right about it to me. If it is somehow found to be true this is big news. It was a photo that was donated to the Rlds or Community of Christ apparently taken of him in the winter of 1840 in Philadelpia. Not sure if this info is 100% acurate though. Joseph also mentions in one of his journals that a photo had been taken of him. But let's not jump to conclusions on it until we can be sure, which we may never be, until we see him standing along side Adam and other nobles at the counsel at Adam ondi ahmen just before the coming of Christ. I think it would be so awesome to have the face to go with his name and who he was. The Church has made no official position on it but have found it interesting enough to put an eye on it. There is more information on the photo over the web on youtube and other websites. Happy trails and let me know what you find or think about it.
Those piercing eyes in the photo make you think.
This one just above is also another that may or may not be Joseph Smith. I don't know much about this photo however.
What think ye?
I think its so incredible this photo has showed up. When the moment I saw that photo appeared on the screen, as my heart dropped I knew it was Josph Smith. Because I've sculpted the bust of Joseph from the picture of the death mask of him, and had to collect the information data about him and his family and relatives.
Thanks for your comments.
Thanks for writing this.
I just decided to randomly search Joseph Smith pictures. I first saw this picture on my mission, and my first feeling was quite unsettling. I really wanted it to be him, but something about the picture just does not feel right.
This does not look like it could be the same person who is in the other photos in the Google search results for Joseph Smith. Incidentally, those of you who are Mormons: If you don't know already, Joseph Smith was a fraud, a liar, and was hauled into court several times and according to various signed affidavits was a money digger and along with other members of his family was considered to have a poor moral character.
Stuart, I aprieciate all comments even some unfounded ones. Though your comments seem harsh on the character of Joseph Smith it is simply just a lack of understanding on your part. As far as your claim of him being a liar and a fraud you will have to put forth proof. We are well aware he was for sometime in the employ of money digging or treasure seeking but he mentioned that it never paid very well and they never found anything. We are well aware of all the court hearings and trials and he was aquitted for all of them of course except his death by an illegal mob. Your comment about his moral character is so unfounded and not true that I can't even begin to comment on it in ways to show you the exact opposite. Joseph Smith brought forth scripture. He healed the sick, raised the dead and gave prophesy and revelation of which much has already come top pass. I invite you do do a more accurate research and study into the life and teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Thank you everyone for posting.
"I will preach on the plurality of gods... I wish to declare I have always and in all congregations when I have preached on the subject of the Deity it has been the plurality of gods..." History of the Church 6:474.
The following quote is from Brigham Young, but the same doctrines were taught by Smith: "When our father Adam came into the garden of Eden, he came into it with a celestial body, and brought Eve, one of his wives, with him. He helped to make and organize the world. He is MICHAEL, the Archangel, the ANCIENT OF DAYS! about whom holy men have written and spoken--He is our FATHER and our GOD, and the only God with whom we have to do...
When the Virgin Mary conceived the child Jesus, the Father had begotten him in his own likeness. He was NOT begotten by the Holy Ghost... Jesus, our elder brother, was begotten in the flesh by the same character that was in the garden of Eden, and who is our Father in Heaven." Journal of Discourses 1:50-51
And what about the Book of Mormon? Smith claims to have found some golden plates and translated them into the Book of Mormon. Smith actually plagiarized an unpublished novel entitled Manuscript Found by a retired minister named Solomon Spalding, who died before Smith made his claim, but friends and relatives who heard Mormon preachers reading the Book of Mormon recognized it as Spalding's work. This is attested to in many affidavits, including those sworn to by relatives and friends of Smith and other Mormon leaders.
And what about Smith and his plates? Nothing but an additional fraud. Smith's widespread fame as a "Peeper" and "Treasure finder" enabled him to claim to have found the plates and be believed. This is confirmed by the testimony of his accomplice in Nauvoo, IL. -- Dr. John C. Bennett. Bennett's testimony: "Shortly after I located in Nauvoo, Joe proposed to me to go to New York and get some plates engraved and bring them to him, so that he could exhibit them as the Book of Mormon, which he pretended had been taken from him, and "hid up" by an angel, and which he would profess to have recovered. He calculated to make considerable money by this trick as there would of course be a great anxiety to see the plates, which he intended to exhibit at twenty-five cents a sight. I mentioned this proposition to Mrs. Sarah M. Pratt on the day the Prophet made it and requested her to keep it in memory, as it might be of much importance." When Mrs. Pratt was questioned in the spring of 1885 about Bennett's statement, she confirmed it completely. As far as Smith's moral character is concerned, the following testimonies speak for themselves and cannot be disputed. The first is by the Smiths' neighbors in Palmyra, New York:" We, the undersigned, have been acquainted with the Smith family. for a number of years, while they resided near this place, and we have no hesitation in saying, that we consider them destitute of that moral character, which ought to entitle them to the confidence of any community. They were particularly famous for visionary projects, spent much of their timein digging for money which they pretended was hid in the earth; and to this day, large excavations may be seen in the earth, not far from their residence, where they used to spend their time in digging for hidden treasures. Joseph Smith, Senior, and his son Joseph, were in particular, considered entirely destitute of moral character, and addicted to vicious habits." E.D. Howe Mormonisim Unveiled, 1834
Other neighbors stated that Joseph was known for "his habits of exaggeration and untruthfulness... and by reason of the extravagances of his statement, his word was received with the least confidence by those who knew him best. He could utter the most palpable exaggeration or marvelous absurdity with utmost apparent gravity." Pomeroy Tucker, The Origin, Rise and Progress of Mormonisim 1847 .
In a reply to my first comment posting I was advised to do more research. My second comment posting earlier today is the result of that research. I ran out of room, so I am explaining here. As any Christian can see just from the few quotes I provided, both Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were heretics. Much of what they taught is unbiblical. Adam is God? Jesus is the offspring of Adam and Mary? Mormon males eventually become gods themselves? None of this as well as much more of what they taught is in the Bible and is even contrary to historic Christianity. Also, as to Smith's moral integrity, the quotes of those who knew him cannot be questioned. I'm sorry, but Smith was a fraud and a heretic-- there is too much evidence to deny it
We are not saying that Adam is God, we are saying that Adam is MIchael the archangel! They are two different and separate individuals! Jesus is the offspring of God and Mary, not God and Adam!
Your comments have no sources associated with them and I would bet that they came from Anti-mormon literature. Isn't it just possible that these people who made these statements turned away from the church, became hateful like so many of the apostized saints did in that day (as well as today) and made stuff up to try and discredit Joseph Smith? Isn't it just the smallest bit possible? Why is it you so willingly accept their testimony but not anyone's who believes the teachings of Joseph Smith? I know beyond any doubt that Joseph Smith was a true and living prophet of God, just like the biblical prophets of old! He brought about a second witness of Jesus Christ, he restored the TRUE gospel of Jesus Christ! You are allowed to think what you will because this is America and we have freedom of religion. That is one of the things that makes America great! I love that people are able to think and speak for themselves. I love that we are able to worship how we see fit. I don't agree with your comments, mainly because they are so biased and unfounded, but that is okay because you are entitled to them anyway. I encourage and challenge you to read the Book of Mormon and find out for yourself that it is true. I do need to correct you on this major point, however. The part about Joseph Smith talking to John C Bennett about going from Nauvoo to New York to get some plates....that could not have happened because Joseph Smith received the plates while living in New York. He translated them, put them back in Mount Cumorah, and stated that God took them back up with him. He KNEW that they were no longer in the hill. Why would he then, many years later try and go find them? It doesn't make sense! You are using Anti-Mormon propaganda to try and disprove our beliefs. It won't happen! The gospel is true and I KNOW it is true. Satan KNOWS it is true. That is why he works so hard to tear it down. It won't work. The gospel will go on because it is true! So, "get thee hence, Satan!"
Stuart,when you research something you don't just look at the sources that reject the subject of interest and ones that are shady at best. By attaching statments of enemies of Joseph Smith gives us no clue into his character. This is just regular anti mormon hoop-la. As far as your statments from the King Follet discourse and the journal of discourses they are not only taken out of context but these discourses are not doctrine as they are third and sometimes fourth hand accounts of what was said and many times was misinterpreted. If you study the teachings of Brigham Young you will clearly see he didn't believe Adam is God in the way it is trying to be displayed. Not that I need to justify him but Joseph is also quoted as saying "gods" not "Gods" a clear and very important distinction. We only believe in one God. As I said before I just feel you are very misinformed and your comments are unfounded. I invite you to read the Book of Mormon and discover it for yourself.
Correctly your article helped me altogether much in my college assignment. Hats off to you enter, wish look ahead for the duration of more related articles without delay as its anecdote of my pick subject-matter to read.
Hello there Gunner; and to all of you you follow the mormon beliefs. I come to you with not a harsh word but the truth and an olive branch. I know of Joseph F. Smith Jr. perhaps more than most mormons and I bring you a gift. Knowledge; and with that yet another; irrefutable proof of my facts concerning Joseph Smith and the Mormon cult. I and my Family are quite literally the key to all that the mormons tie to there faith. My name is Julio and my Surname of those on my Mother's side is Sepulveda. I am a theologian and devout christian and while researching my heritage I had come across an unlikely branch of family; I am what's known as a Crypto-jew and my family made their arduous trek to mesoamerica in 1419; almost 100 years before columbus. You and your "religion" have procured the Sepulveda history as your own. The coin of Joseph of Egypt, the Lost Lunas Stone, blue eyed indians, light skinned indians... these pieces of evidence that your cult leaders proudly boast belong to ME! We were the only Jews to make it to North America before it was ever named. You and your fellow Mormons WILL see me and know of me, because I am the one to that is going to close this circle and expel the lies and replace them with the truth.
Hey Julio, If you studied Joseph Smith and his teachings on the Lamanites, you'd know he didn't send missionaries to Central or South America. When he sent missionaries to "the Lamanites", it was to the Great Lakes region, and then west to the areas of American Indians relocated in North America. The Hopwell Indian society timeline best matches that of the Book of Mormon (~500 B.C. to ~ 380 A.D.). Evidence of Hebrew presence in North America long before 1419 also exists...
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